What Is ESI And PF?

Are you curious to know what is ESI and PF? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about ESI and PF in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is ESI and PF?

What Is ESI And PF?

Employee benefits are a cornerstone of modern labor relations and employment practices. Two crucial components of these benefits in India are the Employee’s State Insurance (ESI) and the Provident Fund (PF). ESI and PF are statutory schemes aimed at providing financial security and welfare measures for employees. In this blog, we will explore what ESI and PF are, their significance, how they work, and why they are essential for both employees and employers.

Understanding Employee’s State Insurance (ESI)

Employee’s State Insurance (ESI) is a comprehensive health and social security scheme introduced in India. It is a self-financing social security and health insurance plan for the benefit of employees in the organized sector.

Key Aspects Of ESI:

  1. Eligibility: ESI is applicable to employees earning up to a specified wage limit, currently INR 21,000 per month (as of my knowledge cutoff in January 2022).
  2. Coverage: The scheme covers employees and their dependents, providing access to medical facilities, sickness benefits, maternity benefits, and more.
  3. Contribution: Both employees and employers contribute to the ESI fund. The current contribution rate is 0.75% of the employee’s wages and 3.25% of the employer’s share.
  4. Benefits: ESI provides various benefits, including medical benefits, cash benefits for sickness, maternity, and disability, as well as dependent benefits in case of an employee’s death.

Understanding Provident Fund (PF)

Provident Fund (PF) is a long-term savings scheme dESIgned to provide financial security to employees during their retirement years. The Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) is a specific type of PF, applicable to establishments with 20 or more employees.

Key Aspects Of PF:

  1. Eligibility: PF applies to most establishments with 20 or more employees and specific industries mentioned in the Act. Employees earning up to a specific wage limit are eligible for PF deductions.
  2. Contribution: Both employees and employers contribute to the PF fund. The current contribution rate is 12% of the employee’s wages, with the employer matching this contribution.
  3. Benefits: The PF scheme primarily serves as a long-term savings plan for retirement. Employees can also avail of advances and loans for specific purposes, such as buying a house or paying for medical treatment.

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Significance Of ESI And PF

  1. Financial Security: ESI and PF provide a safety net for employees, offering financial security during times of illness, injury, or retirement.
  2. Healthcare Access: ESI ensures that employees have access to healthcare services, reducing the financial burden during medical emergencies.
  3. Retirement Planning: PF encourages long-term savings and financial planning for retirement, ensuring that employees have funds to support themselves post-retirement.
  4. Social Welfare: These schemes promote social welfare and economic security for the working population, contributing to improved living standards.
  5. Employer Obligations: Employers are obligated to contribute to these schemes, which not only benefits employees but also helps attract and retain a skilled workforce.


Employee’s State Insurance (ESI) and Provident Fund (PF) are pivotal elements of employee benefits in India. These statutory schemes provide financial security, healthcare access, and retirement planning for the working population. Understanding the significance of ESI and PF is vital for both employees and employers, as compliance with these schemes not only ensures legal adherence but also promotes the overall well-being of the workforce, fostering a healthier and more financially secure society.


What Is Difference Between ESI And PF?

Conclusion. After discussing the difference between ESI and EPF, it is clear that ESI Scheme was established to provide workers with medical, financial & other benefits. Whereas EPF is a social security scheme that enables employees to set aside a small amount of their wages for future benefits.

Who Is Eligible For ESI And PF?

Salary threshold: ESI contributions are mandatory for employees whose gross salary is up to Rs. 21,000 per month. Employees with a salary above Rs. 21,000 can choose to contribute voluntarily.

How Is PF And ESI Calculated?

Computation of ESI

The rates of the ESI contribution are calculated on the wages paid. Currently, the employee contribution is 0.75% of wages paid/payable, and employer contribution is 3.25% of wages paid/payable.

What Is ESI In Salary?

ESI is self-contributing social security and health insurance scheme. The full form of ESI is Employee State Insurance. The scheme offers financial assistance to an employee during sickness, maternity and employment injury. Furthermore, it also covers for medical expenses of the employee’s family members.

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