What Is Cyclomatic Complexity MCQ?

Are you curious to know what is cyclomatic complexity MCQ? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about cyclomatic complexity MCQ in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is cyclomatic complexity MCQ?

Cyclomatic complexity is a metric used to measure the complexity of a software program. It is a useful tool for software developers to assess the quality and maintainability of their code. In this blog, we will explore what is cyclomatic complexity MCQ and how it can help developers to write better code.

What Is Cyclomatic Complexity MCQ?

MCQ stands for “Multiple Choice Questions.” In the context of cyclomatic complexity, MCQs are used to test a developer’s understanding of the concept. These questions typically ask the developer to analyze a code snippet and determine its cyclomatic complexity. The developer must choose from a list of possible answers, which range from the simplest (e.g., 1) to the most complex (e.g., 10 or more).

Cyclomatic complexity MCQs are used in software development courses and certification exams to test a developer’s knowledge of this important metric. By understanding cyclomatic complexity and how to calculate it, developers can write code that is easier to maintain, debug, and modify.

How Is Cyclomatic Complexity Calculated?

Cyclomatic complexity is calculated by counting the number of decision points in a software program. Decision points include things like loops, conditional statements, and method calls. The formula for calculating cyclomatic complexity is:

M = E – N + 2

Where M is the cyclomatic complexity, E is the number of edges in the control flow graph of the program, and N is the number of nodes in the control flow graph.

Why Is Cyclomatic Complexity Important?

Cyclomatic complexity is an important metric for measuring the quality and maintainability of a software program. Programs with high cyclomatic complexity are and more difficult to understand and modify, which can make them harder to maintain and more prone to errors.

By using cyclomatic complexity MCQs to test developers’ understanding of this metric, software development organizations can ensure that their developers are writing code that is easy to understand, modify, and maintain. Additionally, developers who are knowledgeable about cyclomatic complexity are more likely to write code that is efficient, scalable, and robust.


Cyclomatic complexity is a metric used to measure the complexity of a software program. Cyclomatic complexity MCQs are multiple choice questions used to test a developer’s understanding of this concept. By understanding cyclomatic complexity and how to calculate it, developers can write code that is easier to maintain, debug, and modify. By using cyclomatic complexity MCQs to test developers’ knowledge, software development organizations can ensure that their developers are writing code that is efficient, scalable, and robust.

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What Is The Cyclomatic Complexity Of The Flow Graph MCQ?

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Cyclomatic complexity for a flow graph G is V(G) = N – E + 2, where E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes in the flow graph.

Which Is The Correct Formula To Find Cyclomatic Complexity MCQ?

According to rule 2, the formula for Cyclomatic Complexity V(G)=e-n+2 where e is no of edges, n is no of vertices.

Which Is The Black-Box Testing Method MCQ?

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) is a Black-Box testing technique used to check the errors at the boundaries of an input domain.

Which Of The Following Is Not A White Box Testing Technique MCQ?

Answer: Requirement testing.

Which Testing Method Does Cyclomatic Complexity Method Comes Under Mcq?

Cyclomatic Complexity method comes under which testing method. Explanation: Cyclomatic Complexity tells us about the number of independent paths in a program which is covered in white box testing.

Which Is Cyclomatic Complexity?

Cyclomatic complexity is a measurement developed by Thomas McCabe to determine the stability and level of confidence in a program. It measures the number of linearly-independent paths through a program module. Programs with lower Cyclomatic complexity are easier to understand and less risky to modify.


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