What Is Common Property Resources?

Are you curious to know what is common property resources? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about common property resources in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is common property resources?

Common property resources (CPRs) are resources that are owned and managed by a community, rather than by individuals or the government. In this blog, we will discuss the definition of common property resources, examples of CPRs, and the challenges of managing them.

What Is Common Property Resources?

Common property resources are resources that are owned and managed by a community or group of people, rather than by individuals or the government. CPRs are typically natural resources such as forests, water bodies, grazing lands, and fisheries, that are used by a group of people for their livelihoods and subsistence.

CPRs are different from private property and public property in that they are not owned by individuals or the government. Instead, they are managed collectively by the community that uses them. This collective management is based on customary rules, social norms, and cultural traditions that govern the use of the resource.

Examples Of Common Property Resources

Some examples of common property resources include:

  • Forests: Forests are often managed by local communities who depend on them for fuelwood, timber, and non-timber forest products.
  • Grazing Lands: Grazing lands are often managed by pastoral communities who use them for livestock grazing.
  • Fisheries: Fisheries are often managed by fishing communities who depend on them for their livelihoods.
  • Water Bodies: Water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and ponds are often managed by local communities who use them for drinking water, irrigation, and fishing.

Challenges Of Managing Common Property Resources

Managing common property resources can be challenging due to a number of factors, including:

  • Overuse: Common property resources are often subject to overuse, as individuals may have an incentive to take more than their fair share of the resource.
  • Conflicting Interests: Different groups may have conflicting interests in the use of the resource, leading to disputes and conflicts.
  • Lack Of Investment: Because no individual or government owns the resource, there may be a lack of investment in its management and conservation.
  • External Pressures: Common property resources may be subject to external pressures such as pollution, climate change, and natural disasters, which can affect the availability and quality of the resource.

Management Of Common Property Resources

Effective management of common property resources requires the involvement of the community that uses them. This can be achieved through the development of community-based management systems that are based on customary rules, social norms, and cultural traditions.

Community-based management systems can involve the establishment of user groups or cooperatives that are responsible for managing the resource. These groups can develop rules and regulations that govern the use of the resource, and can also be responsible for monitoring and enforcing these rules.


In conclusion, common property resources are resources that are owned and managed by a community or group of people. CPRs are typically natural resources that are used by a group of people for their livelihoods and subsistence. Effective management of common property resources requires the involvement of the community that uses them, and can involve the establishment of user groups or cooperatives that are responsible for managing the resource. By understanding common property resources and the challenges associated with their management, we can work towards more sustainable and equitable use of these resources.

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What Are The Common Property Resources Of Class 8?

Complete Step by step answer:

Common property resources itself is described as the property that is used collectively by the citizens. It is not bound to a particular group of people. Some of this property include rivers, lakes, oceans, mountains, roads, grazing land, atmosphere, and fishing grounds.

What Are Common Property Resources In Law?

Common property resources are those resources that are accessible to the whole community or village and to which no individual has exclusive ownership or property rights.

What Is An Example Of Common Properties?

Examples of common property include gardens, passages, walls, pathways, driveways, stairs, lifts, foyers, and fences – shared facilities located within areas identified and managed as ‘common property’.

What Is Common Property Resources Theory?

In other words, common property resources can be freely consumed or enjoyed by anyone, but their use by one person diminishes their availability to others. A classic example of a common property resource is the stock of fish in an open ocean fishery. Anyone with a boat can catch as much fish as he or she is able to.

What Are Common Property Resources Class 12?

Common Property Resources are natural resources that belong to a community and are accessible to all members with certain restrictions, but no one has ownership rights. In addition to other minor forest products like fruits, nuts, fiber, medicinal plants, etc., CPRs offer animal feed and domestic fuel.


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What Is Common Property Resources

What Is The Common Property Resources

What Is Common Property Resources Class 8

What Is Meant By Common Property Resources

What Is The Concept Of Common Property Resources

What Are Common Property Resources In Economics

Examples Of Common Property Resources

What Is Common Property Resources In Geography

Notes On Common Property Resources

Characteristics Of Common Property Resources

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What Is Common Property Resources

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What are common property resources?