3 Ways to Use Direct Email Marketing Better

With over 260 billion emails sent every day, email marketing is a powerful component of any marketing strategy, enabling you to target specific, highly engaged audiences with tailored communications. 

Using direct email marketing, it’s possible to improve customer acquisition, engagement, and retention, as well as to achieve better results for company offerings and marketing campaigns. 

First, though, it’s important to understand what direct email marketing really is. 

What is direct email marketing?

Direct email marketing is clear, targeted, and effective. 

Instead of relying on broad audiences using social media and other marketing channels, email marketing enables businesses to target customers in their niche who are likely to engage with product or service offerings. 

When leveraged effectively, email marketing is a great way to maximise lead generation and sales potential. You can build a targeted email list by offering niche-specific lead magnets, such as discounts, free resources, or special offers.

Here are 3 ways you can improve your use of direct email marketing. 

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  1. Automate email marketing campaigns

According to eMarketer, B2C marketers using automation for their email campaigns experience conversion rates up to 50 percent higher than those achieved by businesses not automating campaigns.  

By relying on email campaign automation, you can make the most of important campaign features, including personalisation. This can help you to more directly target your customers, building trust in your brand and its offerings. 

Marketing automation also helps to save time spent on campaign distribution. By automating email marketing, you can set campaigns to run while you work on other marketing functions and business management duties. 

More direct communications and more time to spend growing your business are always a win! 

  1. Combine email campaign types

There are a few main types of email campaigns, including newsletters, acquisition emails, retention emails, and promotional emails. For the best results, it’s a good idea to combine these types in your direct email marketing strategy. 

Using newsletters, you can keep customers up to date with your business and any recent announcements. Regular emails help you to build a relationship with subscribers, maximising brand loyalty. 

Acquisition and retention emails, on the other hand, are about turning subscribers into customers and keeping them buying from your business. You can offer special discounts and gifts to keep your subscribers engaged. 

Finally, promotional emails are an essential component of any marketing strategy. Announce sales, promotions, and new product offerings to generate engagement and conversions. 

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  1. Know your brand and its audience. 

One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating direct email marketing campaigns is your branding. 

As with any business communications, it’s important that your email campaigns are consistent with your brand’s tone of voice. Make sure that all email campaigns stick to brand style guides and that they communicate clearly and effectively in a way that aligns well with existing copy and communications. 

When crafting email marketing campaigns, always think about your audience. What will they be expecting or looking for in an email from your business? How can your campaign offer value that builds trust, confidence, and loyalty? 

These details can make all the difference when it comes to making your email campaigns as effective as possible. 

Want to create higher-quality direct email marketing communications? Visit the Rothfield website to find out how we can help you craft great campaigns!